Our Programs


Support to CIMMYT's wheat improvement courses

We amplify the impact of CIMMYT’s Wheat Improvement Courses by bringing critical funding, scientific expertise, mentoring, and other resources. We strengthen these existing training programs by mobilizing funds and volunteer crop scientists to offer their time and expertise to train new “hunger fighters.”The BTF provides lecturers for these courses and support to the development of training curricula. 


Development of new training programs

There is a great need for training for agricultural scientists in many parts of the world, from basic genetics to advanced statistics to use of new tools such as remote sensing equipment. We work with our partners to design new effective training programs and to bring lecturers to teach these courses.


Farmer-to-farmer exchanges

The Borlaug Training Foundation implements farmer-to-farmer exchanges to link farmers to their counterparts in other countries and to researchers, so that they can learn from each other and discover new ideas to try on their farm.